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- March 2024 Events, Resources and Volunteer Opportunities for Pamlico County
March 2024 Events, Resources and Volunteer Opportunities for Pamlico County

The Oriental Harbor, through beveled glass. Photo by Andrea Bruce
Take a look through our calendar of events sourced from every corner of Pamlico County…enough to keep you busy for sure. Also, at the bottom of this long page is an important group of resources and volunteer opportunities. If you have something to include or see a needed correction, please email: [email protected]
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FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Early Voting for NC Primary
Pamlico County Public Library Book/Tech Mobile Visits Oriental at the Piggly Wiggly, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Arapahoe Town Hall, 2 p.m.-4 p.m.
Oriental celebrates 125 years, Friday – Sunday, March 1 – 3. Check out the complete schedule on TownDock here.
Oriental History Museum presents Gone, But not Forgotten: The Changing Landscape of Oriental. This exhibit tells the story of the evolution of the town since its founding over 125 years ago. The Oriental History Museum is at 802 Broad St., Oriental. Free Admission. Hours are: Friday 11-3 and Saturday 1-4 p.m.
PCHS Baseball @ Home v/s Riverside-Martin 6 PM – 8 PM

SATURDAY, MARCH 2 Early Voting for NC Primary
Dr. Seuss Silly Sculptures, at the Pamlico County Public Library (PCHS) Join Mrs. Kara for a celebration of Dr. Seuss's birthday. Crafts & Storytime will start at 11 a.m.
Oriental celebrates 125 years, Friday – Sunday, March 1 – 3. Check out the complete schedule on TownDock here. Parade at 11 a.m. Music at the Riverfront Stage, at South Ave and Freemason St. at 12:05 p.m.
Car Seat and Child Safety Event, Pamlico Partnership for Children and Pamlico C. Dept of Social Services, Pamlico Co. Health Dept, at the Pamlico High School Student Parking Lot, 9 a.m.- 11 a.m.

Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30am from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. The Sunday ride is fast, with pace and distance decided by the riders, usually between 15-17 mph for 25-30 miles in a single paceline format. Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected]
Oriental celebrates 125 years, Friday – Sunday, March 1 – 3. Check out the complete schedule on TownDock here. Gospel & More Concert with music by Harbor Sounds at Oriental United Methodist Church, 404 Freemason St., 1 p.m.
Oriental’s Drummin’ Dragons get together every Sunday afternoon. You’ll find them in Lou Mac Park in Oriental on Sunday afternoons in summer, weather permitting. In inclement weather, they gather at the Oriental United Methodist Fellowship Hall (and possibly for the winter). All are invited – come on by and learn to drum. (They have some spare drums for you to try.) Have questions before you go? Contact Doug Carmichael at [email protected], 3-4:30 p.m.
Pamlico County Board of Education Meeting, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (monthly)
Board of Commissioners meeting, Courtroom on the second floor of the Pamlico County Courthouse, Bayboro. 7 p.m. (bi-monthly)
The Pamlico Chorale meets every Monday, 4 – 5:30 pm at The Oriental United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The Chorale performs in concert at least four times a year, including Spirit of Christmas weekend and opening the Croaker Festival.
PCHS Baseball @ Home v/s Washington 6 PM – 8 PM
TUESDAY, MARCH 5 NC Primary Voting
Oriental Town Commissioners meeting, Town Hall. Open to the public, 8 a.m.
Caregiver’s Support Group, 1st Tuesday of the month, in the coffee room at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Oriental. All caregivers invited. Contact Ann Clement, email [email protected], 1 p.m.
Pamlico Community Band rehearses every Tuesday at St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church. For more information contact Chris Mele at 252-626-6928. St. Peter is at 1149 White Farm Road in Oriental, 7-8:30 p.m.
PCMS Baseball/Softball vs. Bath at PCMS, 4-6 p.m.
Open Mic Night at the Silos in Oriental. The music begins at 7 p.m.
Oriental Harbor Waterfronts Committee, Town Hall, open to the public, 8 a.m.
PCHS Baseball v/s Ayden Grifton @ Home, 6 p.m.
FRIDAY, MARCH 8 International Women’s Day
Oriental Water Advisory Board, Town Hall, open to the public, 9 a.m.
Oriental Farmers Market, by the harbor, 8-11 a.m.
Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30 a.m. from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. Saturday’s ride is about ten miles, at a conversational pace. Those who wish to can continue on a longer route at a faster pace in a single paceline format Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected] 8:30 a.m
Friends of the Library Month Book Sale, Pamlico County Public Library, 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
SUNDAY, MARCH 10 Daylight Saving Time starts
Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30am from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. The Sunday ride is fast, with pace and distance decided by the riders, usually between 15-17 mph for 25-30 miles in a single paceline format. Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected]
Oriental’s Drummin’ Dragons get together every Sunday afternoon. You’ll find them in Lou Mac Park in Oriental on Sunday afternoons in summer, weather permitting. In inclement weather, they gather at the Oriental United Methodist Fellowship Hall (and possibly for the winter). All are invited – come on by and learn to drum. (They have some spare drums for you to try.) Have questions before you go? Contact Doug Carmichael at [email protected], 3-4:30 p.m.
MONDAY, MARCH 11 Ramadan Starts
NAACP monthly meeting, Senior Service Building in Alliance, 6 p.m.
The Pamlico Chorale meets every Monday, 4 – 5:30 pm at The Oriental United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The Chorale performs in concert at least four times a year, including Spirit of Christmas weekend and opening the Croaker Festival.
Oriental Parks & Recreation meeting, Town Hall, Open to the public, 3 p.m.
Pamlico Community Band rehearses every Tuesday at St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church. For more information contact Chris Mele at 252-626-6928. St. Peter is at 1149 White Farm Road in Oriental, 7-8:30 p.m.

Chair Yoga, Pamlico County Library, PCHS, 10 a.m.
Mystery Book Club, Pamlico County Library (PCHS), March selection, The Last Child by John Hart, 5 p.m.
Oriental United Methodist Church invites you to Songs & Sweets. Musicians from the OUMC choir and congregation show off their musical talents. Enjoy pie and ice cream, 7 p.m.
Oriental’s Town Board meets for its yearly budget retreat, Commissioners will meet at Town Hall. The meeting is open to the public. At the retreat, Commissioners review the prior years’ projects, hear about the progress and budgets of the auxiliary boards, and discuss projects for the upcoming fiscal year, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Pamlico’s Gamer Time for Teens Pamlico County Public Library (PCHS) Come to the library to play on Nintendo Switch or Wii, 3:30 p.m.

Oriental Farmers Market, by the harbor, 8-11 a.m.
Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30am from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. Saturday’s ride is about ten miles, at a conversational pace. Those who wish to can continue on a longer route at a faster pace in a single paceline format Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected]
The Dragon Burn, hosted by the Pamlico Arts Council. A dragon effigy is constructed behind the Red Rooster Bar (located behind the Silos Restaurant). There’s food, a cash bar, and music – the Southern Hellcats play the Red Rooster Stage. The Chinese Dragon will make an appearance, dancing through the crowd. The dragon burns after sundown. This is a ticketed event and membership drive. $25 for individuals, or $50 gets you and your family in the gate and signed as a member for the Pamlico County Arts Council. Purchase your tickets here. All proceeds benefit the Pamlico County Arts Council and their annual programs, 7-9:30 p.m.
The Oriental Woman’s Club’s 2024 Chowder Cook-off. $10 ticket per ticket to taste different chowders and vote for your favorite to win the People’s Choice Award. Cash only. Tickets available at the gate, Oriental Marina. 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
The Old Theater presents Magic is BS. Bryan Sanders, a 15-year comedy and magic veteran, performs his one-man show ‘Magic is BS’. Tickets are $20 for general admission. Old Theater members, military and students are $15. Wine and soft drinks available by donation. Available at Nautical Wheelers in Oriental and New Bern, and online at this link. The Old Theater is on the corner of Church and Broad Streets in Oriental. 7:30 p.m.
St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church presents its annual Corned Beef and Cabbage Sit-Down Dinner. As part of the St. Patrick’s Day tradition, there’s live Irish music by The Murphy Family band. They’ll also be paying tribute to their family patriarch, Frank Murphy. Tickets are $35 per adult (includes wine or beer), $15 for children under 12. $25 for take-out at the door. Tickets available at Nautical Wheelers & Village Hardware, or at the church office from Tuesday – Thursday, 10a – 2p. Call the office before arriving: 252-249-3687. Cash or check only. St. Peter’s is at 1149 White Farm Road. 6-9 p.m.
Easter Egg Hunt, Grantsboro-Silverhill VFD Community, Bring your own basket, 2-12 years old. 35 NC-306, Grantsboro, 10 a.m.
Pamlico’s Gamer Time Junior Pamlico County Public Library (PCHS) Age 8-12. Come to the library to play on Nintendo Switch or Wii, 11 a.m.

SUNDAY, MARCH 17 St. Patrick's Day
Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30am from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. The Sunday ride is fast, with pace and distance decided by the riders, usually between 15-17 mph for 25-30 miles in a single paceline format. Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected]
Oriental’s Drummin’ Dragons get together every Sunday afternoon. You’ll find them in Lou Mac Park in Oriental on Sunday afternoons in summer, weather permitting. In inclement weather, they gather at the Oriental United Methodist Fellowship Hall (and possibly for the winter). All are invited – come on by and learn to drum. (They have some spare drums for you to try.) Have questions before you go? Contact Doug Carmichael at [email protected], 3-4:30 p.m.
Pamlico Musical Society presents Galvin Cello at The Old Theater. Tickets are $25 and may be purchased online here or at Nautical Wheelers at 411 Broad St. Tickets for sold-out shows may become available at the door last minute. Check at the box office at 7:15. For more information, call 252-617-2125, 7:30 p.m.

Pamlico Musical Society presents Galvin Cello at The Old Theater.
Board of Commissioners meeting, Courtroom on the second floor of the Pamlico County Courthouse, Bayboro. 7 p.m. (bi-monthly)
The Pamlico Chorale meets every Monday, 4 – 5:30 pm at The Oriental United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The Chorale performs in concert at least four times a year, including Spirit of Christmas weekend and opening the Croaker Festival.
Pamlico Community Band rehearses every Tuesday at St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church. For more information contact Chris Mele at 252-626-6928. St. Peter is at 1149 White Farm Road in Oriental, 7-8:30 p.m.
PCHS Baseball @ Home v/s Jones, 6 p.m.
Oriental Planning Board Meeting, Town Hall, Open to the public, 3 p.m.
Anime/Manga Appreciation for Kids (ages 8-12) at the Pamlico County Public Library at PCHS, 5 p.m.
Open Mic Night at the Silos in Oriental. The music begins at 7 p.m.

The Pamlico County Democratic Party meets ‘virtually’ on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 5:30 p.m. For more information on attending, email [email protected]
The Pamlico Progressives are a concerned group of citizens who seek to bring about change by focusing on issues that affect our community and by holding elected officials accountable. They seek to let our collective voices be heard to influence positive change. They meet monthly on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 4:00 at the Pamlico County Heritage Museum at 10642 NC-55, Grantsboro, NC. All are welcome to join them. For more information, call Diane Lemieux at 802-318-1083, 4 p.m.
Open jam session at Pamlico Community College, open to all. Bring your instrument – or voice – or maybe only a chair to just come to listen to the harmonies. It all happens in PCC’s Delamar Center Auditorium. PCC is on Hwy 306 between Grantsboro and Arapahoe. For more info, contact Denise McDermott 252-249-1851 ext 3113 [email protected]. 6 p.m.
PCMS Baseball/Softball vs. Havelock Middle at PCMS, 4 p.m.
Pamlico’s Gamer Time for Teens Pamlico County Public Library (PCHS) Come to the library to play on Nintendo Switch or Wii, 3:30 p.m.
Oriental Farmers Market, by the harbor, 8-11 a.m.
Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30am from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. Saturday’s ride is about ten miles, at a conversational pace. Those who wish to can continue on a longer route at a faster pace in a single paceline format Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected]
Weather 101 with Storm Track 12 Meteorologist Lana Foss at the Pamlico County Library, PCHS, 11 a.m.
Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30am from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. The Sunday ride is fast, with pace and distance decided by the riders, usually between 15-17 mph for 25-30 miles in a single paceline format. Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected]
Oriental’s Drummin’ Dragons get together every Sunday afternoon. You’ll find them in Lou Mac Park in Oriental on Sunday afternoons in summer, weather permitting. In inclement weather, they gather at the Oriental United Methodist Fellowship Hall (and possibly for the winter). All are invited – come on by and learn to drum. (They have some spare drums for you to try.) Have questions before you go? Contact Doug Carmichael at [email protected], 3-4:30 p.m.
Running for Life, held by the Pamlico County Rescue Squad. BayboroThis race is designed to help fund-raise for better equipment and supplies. This race is also to help runners meet some of the friendly faces at the station and see where we are located. All are welcome! Registration Fees:
$40 - 5k Dog Race $35 - 5k Run$20 - 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk$20 - Wheelchair Mile Go to runsignup.com and search running for life. Bayboro, 8 a.m.
The Gathering at The Bean in Oriental. You’re invited to check out a new group sponsored by Oriental United Methodist Church to make space for community and conversation in a non-traditional setting. A time to hang out and talk. 6 p.m.
The Pamlico Chorale meets every Monday, 4 – 5:30 pm at The Oriental United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The Chorale performs in concert at least four times a year, including Spirit of Christmas weekend and opening the Croaker Festival.

Pamlico Community Band rehearses every Tuesday at St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church. For more information contact Chris Mele at 252-626-6928. St. Peter is at 1149 White Farm Road in Oriental, 7-8:30 p.m.
The Pamlico County Republican Party meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month in the Pamlico County Courthouse Annex Room in Bayboro. All are welcome to attend. For more information visit PamlicoGOP.com or call Chairman Dave Wickersham @ 252-269-4101, 6:30 p.m.
Open Mic Night at the Silos in Oriental. The music begins at 7 p.m.
Chair Yoga, Pamlico County Library, PCHS, 10 a.m.
Trendy Reads Book Club, Pamlico County Library. March Book Selection, The Library Book by Susan Orlean, 5 p.m.
Teen Anime/Manga Club Pamlico County Public Library at PCHS, 3:30 p.m.
PCHS Baseball @ Home v/s Havelock, 6 p.m.

PCMS Baseball/Softball vs. West Craven at PCMS, 4 p.m.
Brant Island Strings plays at The New Village Brewery in Oriental, 5-7 p.m.
The 2024 PAWS Pet Parade. The 17th annual celebration of the canines in Oriental. The parade sets out on the streets near Lou Mac Park. Dogs and their humans can register from 10-11 a.m. that morning at the Lou Mac Park staging area. The entry fee is $5 per dog, 11 a.m.
SUNDAY, MARCH 31 Easter Sunday
Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30am from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. The Sunday ride is fast, with pace and distance decided by the riders, usually between 15-17 mph for 25-30 miles in a single paceline format. Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected]
Oriental’s Drummin’ Dragons get together every Sunday afternoon. You’ll find them in Lou Mac Park in Oriental on Sunday afternoons in summer, weather permitting. In inclement weather, they gather at the Oriental United Methodist Fellowship Hall (and possibly for the winter). All are invited – come on by and learn to drum. (They have some spare drums for you to try.) Have questions before you go? Contact Doug Carmichael at [email protected], 3-4:30 p.m.

Alcoholics Anonymous meets throughout the week at several locations in the area: At Oriental Free Will Baptist Church at 600 Ragan Road in Oriental, Tuesdays at 8p, and again Friday nights at 8p. (2nd brick building on the left).
At Alliance United Methodist Church at 687 Main Street in Bayboro, Thursday at 7:30 pm. (a great meeting for new members).
At St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 402 Freemason Street in Oriental, Sunday at 7 p.m.
“If you want to drink, that’s your business… If you want to stop drinking, that’s ours.” Alcoholics Anonymous New Bern Hotline:(252) 633-3716
Al-Anon – for those worried about someone with a drinking problem – meets Tuesday at 7 p.m. at 403 Mildred Street in Oriental. It is open to all.
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) – At Oriental Free Will Baptist Church at 600 Ragan Road in Oriental (2nd brick building on left). Open Meeting Tuesdays from 6:30-6:70 p.m. Women’s Group Saturday 6:30p.
Narcotics Anonymous – A group atmosphere which provides help from peers, and offers an on-going support network for addicts who wish to pursue and maintain a drug-free lifestyle. Never Alone – meets Wednesday at 7 pm. at Alliance United Methodist Church, 687 Main Street in Bayboro.
The Pamlico Survivors of Suicide Support Group (SOS) is a free support group for people who have experienced the loss of a loved one to suicide. Whether it happened recently or decades ago, all are welcome to attend these sessions which are led by experienced counselors. Contact Branson Dunn at 304-839-4131 [email protected] or Katherine Hudson at 252-745-4510 for information about the date, time and location of the next group meeting.
*People living with Parkinson’s Disease in and around Pamlico County now have a support group. Pamlico Parkinson’s Network provides a place to talk, as well as learn what those with PD can do – and what’s being done – to deal with the still-incurable condition. PPN meetings are open not only to people with Parkinson’s but also to those who care for – and about them. For more info, contact Dave at [email protected], Kim at 670-8987

*The Neuse Neighbors Network (NNN) needs you. NNN is a not-for-profit, all volunteer organization dedicated to helping local seniors age in place. NNN volunteers choose the type and timing of the tasks they can help with. There are no fixed commitments and you can meet new people. For more information on volunteering or becoming a member, call 252-665-8807 or email [email protected]
*Vennie Himbry is looking for land or a building to be donated to her non-profit called the Bayboro Development Center to help people who have been incarcerated in the county get back on their feet. Contact Vennie at [email protected]
*Child Advocates Needed: The NC Guardian ad Litem Program for Judicial District 3B (Carteret, Craven and Pamlico Counties) is recruiting volunteer Guardian ad Litem Child Advocates. We provide training and support for this important role as the "voice of the child" in court. When a petition has been filed alleging that a child has been abused or neglected, the Guardian ad Litem Child Advocate is appointed by the Judge to do an independent investigation of the child's circumstances, get to know the child and their wishes, and provide information in court about what is truly in that child's best interest. To learn more about how you can make a difference in the life of a child, go to www.volunteerforgal.org or call us at 252-639-3232.
*Pamlico County Senior Services needs more volunteers to help build handicap access ramps at the homes of some of Pamlico’s older residents. Senior Services provides the materials while volunteers led by Tim Balfour construct one ramp every month. Contact Tim at 745-3247 to offer a hand for the next project.
*Pamlico County Fishes And Loaves is collecting canned goods and has a drop-off point inside First Citizens Bank in Oriental. Fishes and Loaves is a cooperative effort of a number of churches and organizations in Pamlico County working to provide food to the hungry.
*Horses of Pamlico is looking for volunteers to visit the horses or help with farm repairs. They would like to have regular volunteers who can commit to at least one day a week. No experience with horses necessary. Must sign a waver. Text Sharon Vandiford for more information, 252-474-7838

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