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- July 2024 Events and Resources for Pamlico County
July 2024 Events and Resources for Pamlico County

The end of the road in Lowland. Photo by Abigail Pittman. You can see more of her work on IG @ahp.photo
Take a look through our calendar of events sourced from every corner of Pamlico County…enough to keep you busy for sure. Also, at the bottom of this long page is an important group of resources and volunteer opportunities. If you have something to include or see a needed correction, please email: [email protected]
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The Pamlico County High School Boosters are doing a t-shirt sale fundraiser. The proceeds will go to the Vanessa Anderson Overcomer Scholarship. Vanessa worked for us for a few years, then moved on to the clerk's office. She lost her battle to Breast Cancer 7 years ago at the young age of 32. Here is the link to order. If you ordered last year, these are new designs.
Registration is open for this summer’s Children’s Theater Workshop in Oriental. The Summer Theater Workshop is in it’s 28th year. It teaches children – from completed 1st through 12th grades – acting fundamentals and how to tell stories on stage using words, movement, and emotions. Held in July at the Old Theater in Oriental, a carefully selected & experienced theater arts teacher leads grade divided, two week sessions. The schedule for this summer is:
• Completed 1st/2nd grades: July 1 to 12, 9a-noon
• Completed 3rd/4th grades: July 15 to 26, 9a-noon
• Completed 5th-7th grades: July 1 to 12, 2p-5p
• Completed 8th-12th grades: July 15 to 26, 2p-5p Information and online registration is here. Email [email protected] or call Yolanda at 828-421-7981.
Pamlico County Board of Education Meeting, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (monthly)
Board of Commissioners meeting, The meeting is in the Patsy Sadler Room at 7p, in the Courthouse Annex, unless there is a larger crowd. Then meetings are held in the second floor courtroom. The Courthouse is at 202 Main Street, Bayboro, NC 28515. 7 p.m. (bi-monthly)
The Pamlico Chorale meets every Monday, 4 – 5:30 pm at The Oriental United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The Chorale performs in concert at least four times a year, including Spirit of Christmas weekend and opening the Croaker Festival.

Oriental Town Commissioners meeting, Town Hall. Open to the public, 6 p.m.
Pamlico Community Band rehearses every Tuesday at St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church. For more information contact Chris Mele at 252-626-6928. St. Peter is at 1149 White Farm Road in Oriental, 7-8:30 p.m.
Wednesday Night Sail Race. Boats rendezvous at Oriental Marker #1SC on each Wednesday for a relatively carefree race around the government marks. Just show up. The race does the “normal” US Sailing countdown. Which ever is more upwind, Garbacon or Adam’s Creek, is the weather mark, round the other as the leeward mark and finish at Oriental 1. VHF Channel 78a for communications. Social at the Tiki Bar after the race. Contact Joe Valinoti – [email protected]. The race starts at 5:30 p.m.
Open Mic Night at the Silos in Oriental. The music begins at 7 p.m.
Pamlico County Public Library Book/Tech Mobile Visits Oriental at the Piggly Wiggly, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Arapahoe Town Hall, 2 p.m.-4 p.m.
Croakerfest 2024 is happening Friday & Saturday. For two days Oriental celebrates the July 4 weekend by closing down village roads and setting up the Croaker Festival.
• Baking Contest
• Miss Minnow & Croaker Queen Pageants
• The Croaker Festival Parade
• The Marine Corps Band
• Coloring Contest for the kids
• Croaker Regatta
• Fireworks from the Oriental Bridge
Swamp Donkey performs at The New Village Brewery in Oriental, 5:30 p.m.

Oriental Farmers Market, by the harbor, 8-11 a.m.
SQUIDDERS FEST at Vandemere Park has a 4th of July celebration with live music by the Signature Blend band 4-6 p.m. and a DJ at 7 p.m. Also, musical chairs competition, line dancing, kids games and fun for everyone- food trucks at 4 p.m. and fireworks at dusk.
Croakerfest 2024 is happening Friday & Saturday. For two days Oriental celebrates the July 4 weekend by closing down village roads and setting up the Croaker Festival.
• Baking Contest
• Miss Minnow & Croaker Queen Pageants
• The Croaker Festival Parade
• The Marine Corps Band
• Coloring Contest for the kids
• Croaker Regatta
• Fireworks from the Oriental Bridge
The Croakerfest Regatta is open to FJs, Sunfish, Optis, Lasers and 420s. Check-in at 0830, Captain’s Meeting at 0900, first gun at 1100. No races after 1500. Refreshments and awards immediately afterwards at Bow to Stern Boating. Want to race but don’t have a boat? Rentals available from Bow To Stern Boating. Registration fees: Sailors under 18 – $15, adults – $25. Boat rentals – Opti – $20, Laser – $25, FJs/420s – $35. For questions, rentals, or registration, call or email Bow to Stern: 252-249-2424 or [email protected].
Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30 a.m. from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. Saturday’s ride is about ten miles, at a conversational pace. Those who wish to can continue on a longer route at a faster pace in a single paceline format Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected] 8:30 a.m
Karaoke at Squidders Bait and Tackle in Vandemere returns! (Read about Squidders here) 7 p.m.
Patrick Bliss performs at The New Village Brewery in Oriental, 5 p.m.
Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30am from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. The Sunday ride is fast, with pace and distance decided by the riders, usually between 15-17 mph for 25-30 miles in a single paceline format. Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected]
Oriental’s Drummin’ Dragons get together every Sunday afternoon. You’ll find them in Lou Mac Park in Oriental on Sunday afternoons in summer, weather permitting. In inclement weather, they gather at the Oriental United Methodist Fellowship Hall (and possibly for the winter). All are invited – come on by and learn to drum. (They have some spare drums for you to try.) Have questions before you go? Contact Doug Carmichael at [email protected], 3-4:30 p.m.
NAACP monthly meeting, Senior Service Building in Alliance, 6 p.m.
The Pamlico Chorale meets every Monday, 4 – 5:30 pm at The Oriental United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The Chorale performs in concert at least four times a year, including Spirit of Christmas weekend and opening the Croaker Festival.
Pamlico Community Band rehearses every Tuesday at St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church. For more information contact Chris Mele at 252-626-6928. St. Peter is at 1149 White Farm Road in Oriental, 7-8:30 p.m.
Mystery Book Club, Pamlico County Library (PCHS), 5 p.m.
Wednesday Night Sail Race. Boats rendezvous at Oriental Marker #1SC on each Wednesday for a relatively carefree race around the government marks. Just show up. The race does the “normal” US Sailing countdown. Which ever is more upwind, Garbacon or Adam’s Creek, is the weather mark, round the other as the leeward mark and finish at Oriental 1. VHF Channel 78a for communications. Social at the Tiki Bar after the race. Contact Joe Valinoti – [email protected]. The race starts at 5:30 p.m.
Open Mic Night at the Silos in Oriental. The music begins at 7 p.m.

Marine Fisheries Visits the Pamlico County Library. Let’s learn about Marine Fisheries.. what they do, how they do it, along with how you can become an officer. Officer Erik Smith will be here with a vessel to tour and information about his career. This is a fantastic opportunity for children and adults to learn more about an exciting career full of adventure, 1 p.m.
Live music at The Red Rooster Pavilion. The Mad Fiddler plays on the Bantam Stage. Cash bar and order dinner on the Silos’ Chow Now app. Music starts at 7 p.m.
Oriental Farmers Market, by the harbor, 8-11 a.m.
Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30 a.m. from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. Saturday’s ride is about ten miles, at a conversational pace. Those who wish to can continue on a longer route at a faster pace in a single paceline format Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected] 8:30 a.m.
Pamlico County Library Book Sale, Starting Saturday, March 9th, the Friends will hold monthly book sales at the white trailer (annex) located behind the current library. We will be open from 10:00am to 2:00pm on the second Saturday of each month. Take as many books as you wish and donate what you can...no set prices. We look forward to seeing you! 10-2 p.m.
Join the Oriental Dinghy Club (ODC) on the water. Sunday, it’s dinghy racing. Boats smaller than 20’ like: Sunfish, Lasers, Wayfarers, FJs, 420s, Vanguards and any other centerboard/ dagger board boats 20’ or less. Register at the ODC website or contact Commodore Bob Slook for more information: [email protected], 1 p.m.
Nautical Wheelers’ complimentary Wine Tasting is at 2 and 3 p.m. in Oriental. Find Nautical Wheelers in Oriental at 411 Broad Street and at 202 A Craven St in New Bern. 252-249-0359.
Karaoke at Squidders Bait and Tackle in Vandemere returns! (Read about Squidders here) 7 p.m.
Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30am from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. The Sunday ride is fast, with pace and distance decided by the riders, usually between 15-17 mph for 25-30 miles in a single paceline format. Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected]
Oriental’s Drummin’ Dragons get together every Sunday afternoon. You’ll find them in Lou Mac Park in Oriental on Sunday afternoons in summer, weather permitting. In inclement weather, they gather at the Oriental United Methodist Fellowship Hall (and possibly for the winter). All are invited – come on by and learn to drum. (They have some spare drums for you to try.) Have questions before you go? Contact Doug Carmichael at [email protected], 3-4:30 p.m.
Join the Oriental Dinghy Club (ODC) on the water. Sunday, it’s dinghy racing. Boats smaller than 20’ like: Sunfish, Lasers, Wayfarers, FJs, 420s, Vanguards and any other centerboard/ dagger board boats 20’ or less. Register at the ODC website or contact Commodore Bob Slook for more information: [email protected], 1 p.m.
The One-Off Book Club meets Monday, July 15 at 4p, in the backroom of M&M’s Restaurant in Oriental. Nelda Coats and Nancy Piner invite you to join them in the continuing discussion of Life Worth Living: a Guide to What Matters Most, a new book by the faculty of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture.

Pamlico County Public Library holds a Stop Motion Animation Contest. Entries due July 15. By yourself, or with a group, create an original 60 second (or less) Stop Motion Video on one of the following topics:
Adventure in the library
Adventure with a reading buddy
Literary themed adventure
The video must use a physical object moved in small increments and photographed at every step. Use blocks, claymation, cut-outs, puppets, or even a reading buddy. You must also allow the Library to use your video (or screenshots of the video) in their advertising and in the library. Prizes are awarded for stop motion videos submitted by a group and an individual. Entries must be received by midnight, Monday, July 15, 2024. Winners announced Wednesday, July 31. Get more information and submit your video here.
Board of Commissioners meeting, The meeting is in the Patsy Sadler Room at 7p, in the Courthouse Annex, unless there is a larger crowd. Then meetings are held in the second floor courtroom. The Courthouse is at 202 Main Street, Bayboro, NC 28515. 7 p.m. (bi-monthly)
The Pamlico Chorale meets every Monday, 4 – 5:30 pm at The Oriental United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The Chorale performs in concert at least four times a year, including Spirit of Christmas weekend and opening the Croaker Festival.
Mermaid swimming courses for kids and adults ages 8 – July 16 & 18. Ani teaches two courses at the Village Health & Fitness Club. Learn more about each course, and register here.
Pamlico Community Band rehearses every Tuesday at St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church. For more information contact Chris Mele at 252-626-6928. St. Peter is at 1149 White Farm Road in Oriental, 7-8:30 p.m.

Wednesday Night Sail Race. Boats rendezvous at Oriental Marker #1SC on each Wednesday for a relatively carefree race around the government marks. Just show up. The race does the “normal” US Sailing countdown. Which ever is more upwind, Garbacon or Adam’s Creek, is the weather mark, round the other as the leeward mark and finish at Oriental 1. VHF Channel 78a for communications. Social at the Tiki Bar after the race. Contact Joe Valinoti – [email protected]. The race starts at 5:30 p.m.
Open Mic Night at the Silos in Oriental. The music begins at 7 p.m.
The Pamlico County Democratic Party meets ‘virtually’ on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 5:30 p.m. For more information on attending, email [email protected]
Mermaid swimming courses for kids and adults ages 8 – July 16 & 18. Ani teaches two courses at the Village Health & Fitness Club. Learn more about each course, and register here.
Oriental Farmers Market, by the harbor, 8-11 a.m.
Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30 a.m. from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. Saturday’s ride is about ten miles, at a conversational pace. Those who wish to can continue on a longer route at a faster pace in a single paceline format Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected] 8:30 a.m
NYRA’s (Neuse Yacht Racing Association) annual FREE race/cruise/party is the Parrothead Regatta, Saturday July 20, 2024, sailing down the Neuse from New Bern to Oriental. The race starts at Marker #17 (across from Fairfield Harbour). Race ends at Oriental. Free social for all racers after. Both town docks at Oriental – the one at Hodges and the one near the pump out are reserved for NYRA on Saturday. Find out more about NYRA here.
Karaoke at Squidders Bait and Tackle in Vandemere returns! (Read about Squidders here) 7 p.m.
Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30am from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. The Sunday ride is fast, with pace and distance decided by the riders, usually between 15-17 mph for 25-30 miles in a single paceline format. Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected]
Oriental’s Drummin’ Dragons get together every Sunday afternoon. You’ll find them in Lou Mac Park in Oriental on Sunday afternoons in summer, weather permitting. In inclement weather, they gather at the Oriental United Methodist Fellowship Hall (and possibly for the winter). All are invited – come on by and learn to drum. (They have some spare drums for you to try.) Have questions before you go? Contact Doug Carmichael at [email protected], 3-4:30 p.m.
The Pamlico Chorale meets every Monday, 4 – 5:30 pm at The Oriental United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The Chorale performs in concert at least four times a year, including Spirit of Christmas weekend and opening the Croaker Festival.
Pamlico Community Band rehearses every Tuesday at St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church. For more information contact Chris Mele at 252-626-6928. St. Peter is at 1149 White Farm Road in Oriental, 7-8:30 p.m.

Wednesday Night Sail Race. Boats rendezvous at Oriental Marker #1SC on each Wednesday for a relatively carefree race around the government marks. Just show up. The race does the “normal” US Sailing countdown. Which ever is more upwind, Garbacon or Adam’s Creek, is the weather mark, round the other as the leeward mark and finish at Oriental 1. VHF Channel 78a for communications. Social at the Tiki Bar after the race. Contact Joe Valinoti – [email protected]. The race starts at 5:30 p.m.
Open Mic Night at the Silos in Oriental. The music begins at 7 p.m.
Pamlico County Library Stuffed Animal Sleepover – Drop off. All Ages
Register your stuffed animal for a sleepover at the library anytime during library hours July 24-July 26th. Find out about your stuffed animal’s shenanigans and pick them back up at our SRP Kids Finale on August 2nd @ 10 am.
Open jam session at Pamlico Community College, open to all. Bring your instrument – or voice – or maybe only a chair to just come to listen to the harmonies. It all happens in PCC’s Delamar Center Auditorium. PCC is on Hwy 306 between Grantsboro and Arapahoe. For more info, contact Denise McDermott 252-249-1851 ext 3113 [email protected]. 6 p.m.
The Pamlico County Republican Party meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month in the Pamlico County Courthouse Annex Room in Bayboro. All are welcome to attend. For more information visit PamlicoGOP.com or call Chairman Dave Wickersham @ 252-269-4101, 6:30 p.m.

Oriental Farmers Market, by the harbor, 8-11 a.m.
Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30 a.m. from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. Saturday’s ride is about ten miles, at a conversational pace. Those who wish to can continue on a longer route at a faster pace in a single paceline format Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected] 8:30 a.m.
The 17th Annual Charity Dinghy Poker Run Saturday, July 27 at Oriental Marina & Inn − on the Tiki Bar Deck. Presented by Oriental’s Nautical Co-op (NSA, SCOO and ODC) and open to all. The Oriental harbor and surrounding waters provide the card table for the Dinghy Poker Run. One card each is dealt from various docks in Smith and Greens Creeks. Players return to the Tiki Bar Deck and present their best five-card hand(s) to determine winnings. You do not need a dinghy – or know how to pay poker. Hands can be drawn at the Tiki Bar Deck and there’s plenty of folks to help you out. Hands $10 each, 3 for $25, go on sale at 9:30a. Poker Run begins at 11a, runs until 12:30p. Food available at 12:30p. Silent and Live auctions, 50/50 raffle held after lunch. Cash Bar. Proceeds benefit the Pamlico Coastal Activities Council, in support of Pamlico youth sailing, and Oriental United Methodist Church, which sponsors swimming lessons for disadvantaged kids. For more information, or to volunteer to help or to donate auction items, contact Sharon Stephenson at [email protected], 919-414-7719.
Pamlico Hurricanes Family Fun Day, Makes plans to join the FIRST Hurricane Fun Day! They will have Vendors, Food Trucks, Inflatable Obstacle Course, 3 Leg Races, Sac Races, Dunk Tanks, and more! 10-6 p.m.
Karaoke at Squidders Bait and Tackle in Vandemere returns! (Read about Squidders here) 7 p.m.
Cycling from Oriental. Rides start at 8:30am from the Bean from spring to fall, as the weather permits. In the fall, the start time switches to 10:00am. The Sunday ride is fast, with pace and distance decided by the riders, usually between 15-17 mph for 25-30 miles in a single paceline format. Just show up with bike and helmet and you’re off! Questions? Contact Keith Gapen at [email protected]
Oriental’s Drummin’ Dragons get together every Sunday afternoon. You’ll find them in Lou Mac Park in Oriental on Sunday afternoons in summer, weather permitting. In inclement weather, they gather at the Oriental United Methodist Fellowship Hall (and possibly for the winter). All are invited – come on by and learn to drum. (They have some spare drums for you to try.) Have questions before you go? Contact Doug Carmichael at [email protected], 3-4:30 p.m.

The Pamlico Chorale meets every Monday, 4 – 5:30 pm at The Oriental United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The Chorale performs in concert at least four times a year, including Spirit of Christmas weekend and opening the Croaker Festival.
The Gathering, at The Bean in Oriental. You’re invited to check out The Gathering – a new group sponsored by Oriental United Methodist Church to make space for community and conversation in a non-traditional setting. There’s no hard sell – just a place to gather and talk. Call 252-249-0213 or email [email protected]. 6 p.m.

Pamlico County Public Library Teen MiniCon. (cosplay event) – Registration Required 5th grade - 12th grade.
Cosplay contest, door prizes, refreshments, photo op, fan art, and fun! Requested by our middle school and teen anime groups, this event is designed with costume play in mind. Put together a costume of your favorite character and show it off to your friends at the library! Teen lounge with refreshments, photo op, board games, video games, and costume contest! 4 p.m.
Pamlico Community Band rehearses every Tuesday at St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church. For more information contact Chris Mele at 252-626-6928. St. Peter is at 1149 White Farm Road in Oriental, 7-8:30 p.m.
Wednesday Night Sail Race. Boats rendezvous at Oriental Marker #1SC on each Wednesday for a relatively carefree race around the government marks. Just show up. The race does the “normal” US Sailing countdown. Which ever is more upwind, Garbacon or Adam’s Creek, is the weather mark, round the other as the leeward mark and finish at Oriental 1. VHF Channel 78a for communications. Social at the Tiki Bar after the race. Contact Joe Valinoti – [email protected]. The race starts at 5:30 p.m.
Open Mic Night at the Silos in Oriental. The music begins at 7 p.m.

The Pamlico Progressives are a concerned group of citizens who seek to bring about change by focusing on issues that affect our community and by holding elected officials accountable. They seek to let our collective voices be heard to influence positive change. They meet as needed. All are welcome to join them. For more information, follow them on Facebook or call Diane Lemieux at 802-318-1083
Alcoholics Anonymous meets throughout the week at several locations in the area: At Oriental Free Will Baptist Church at 600 Ragan Road in Oriental, Tuesdays at 8p, and again Friday nights at 8p. (2nd brick building on the left).
At Alliance United Methodist Church at 687 Main Street in Bayboro, Thursday at 7:30 pm. (a great meeting for new members).
At St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 402 Freemason Street in Oriental, Sunday at 7 p.m.
“If you want to drink, that’s your business… If you want to stop drinking, that’s ours.” Alcoholics Anonymous New Bern Hotline:(252) 633-3716
Al-Anon – for those worried about someone with a drinking problem – meets Tuesday at 7 p.m. at 403 Mildred Street in Oriental. It is open to all.
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) – At Oriental Free Will Baptist Church at 600 Ragan Road in Oriental (2nd brick building on left). Open Meeting Tuesdays from 6:30-6:70 p.m. Women’s Group Saturday 6:30p.
Narcotics Anonymous – A group atmosphere which provides help from peers, and offers an on-going support network for addicts who wish to pursue and maintain a drug-free lifestyle. Never Alone – meets Wednesday at 7 pm. at Alliance United Methodist Church, 687 Main Street in Bayboro.
The Pamlico Survivors of Suicide Support Group (SOS) is a free support group for people who have experienced the loss of a loved one to suicide. Whether it happened recently or decades ago, all are welcome to attend these sessions which are led by experienced counselors. Contact Branson Dunn at 304-839-4131 [email protected] or Katherine Hudson at 252-745-4510 for information about the date, time and location of the next group meeting.
*People living with Parkinson’s Disease in and around Pamlico County now have a support group. Pamlico Parkinson’s Network provides a place to talk, as well as learn what those with PD can do – and what’s being done – to deal with the still-incurable condition. PPN meetings are open not only to people with Parkinson’s but also to those who care for – and about them. For more info, contact Dave at [email protected], Kim at 670-8987

*The Neuse Neighbors Network (NNN) needs you. NNN is a not-for-profit, all volunteer organization dedicated to helping local seniors age in place. NNN volunteers choose the type and timing of the tasks they can help with. There are no fixed commitments and you can meet new people. For more information on volunteering or becoming a member, call 252-665-8807 or email [email protected]
*Vennie Himbry is looking for land or a building to be donated to her non-profit called the Bayboro Development Center to help people who have been incarcerated in the county get back on their feet. Contact Vennie at [email protected]
*Child Advocates Needed: The NC Guardian ad Litem Program for Judicial District 3B (Carteret, Craven and Pamlico Counties) is recruiting volunteer Guardian ad Litem Child Advocates. We provide training and support for this important role as the "voice of the child" in court. When a petition has been filed alleging that a child has been abused or neglected, the Guardian ad Litem Child Advocate is appointed by the Judge to do an independent investigation of the child's circumstances, get to know the child and their wishes, and provide information in court about what is truly in that child's best interest. To learn more about how you can make a difference in the life of a child, go to www.volunteerforgal.org or call us at 252-639-3232.
*Pamlico County Senior Services needs more volunteers to help build handicap access ramps at the homes of some of Pamlico’s older residents. Senior Services provides the materials while volunteers led by Tim Balfour construct one ramp every month. Contact Tim at 745-3247 to offer a hand for the next project.
*Pamlico County Fishes And Loaves is collecting canned goods and has a drop-off point inside First Citizens Bank in Oriental. Fishes and Loaves is a cooperative effort of a number of churches and organizations in Pamlico County working to provide food to the hungry.
*Horses of Pamlico is looking for volunteers to visit the horses or help with farm repairs. They would like to have regular volunteers who can commit to at least one day a week. No experience with horses necessary. Must sign a waver. Text Sharon Vandiford for more information, 252-474-7838

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